Window_Archive – Claudia Partac

Mourner 1 and 2
How to care for who is no longer there is the first in a series of five exhibitions called Practices of Care hosted by Stichting la Jetée over the coming eight months. The one-day exhibition takes place on Sunday, 27 November 2022, starting at 14.00. As part of the exhibition, the video installation Mourner 1 and 2 made by Claudia Parțac and Seb Wigdel-Bowcott is on display in the window from 10 September until 27 November. After this date, the visual documentation of How to care for who is no longer there will be integrated into the Window Show.
Claudia Partac was born in Bucharest and grew up in the countryside with her grandparents until she turned seven. Since 2014 she has been living in Amsterdam. In her work, she experiments with writing and curating as interrelated practices of cultural analysis. Claudia is currently co-curating Practices of Care and working on her thesis project. For her exhibition, she reconstructs objects and scenes that register loss and transformation in post-communist Romania. The project started five years ago as she collected things left behind by her grandfather, saving them from her mother’s stern purge. The small inheritance of communist memorabilia recomposes a visual panoply of the recent past, becoming disputed matter.
Read more on the work How to care for who is no longer there by Claudia Partac.