NDSM-Expo – On the run

On the Run – Podcast (EN) – Ester Eva Damen * – 3x±20′, 2023
During the exhibition, a refugee from Iran, persecuted for his homosexuality, will share his adventures in the Netherlands through interviews and an audio diary. With this podcast he hopes to reach other people in the same position and to give a complete picture to a European audience. Not only gays, but all Iranians have to survive with a questionable government. He gives us insight into the cultural context of Iran and his feelings of being betrayed and having to fight for acceptance.
‘Dear friend, You asked me not to mention your name and I understand why. I hardly know you and you hardly know me. Two days ago we had an online meeting. It was only supposed to last 40 minutes to an hour, but we kept extending it. Instead of recording your story, as I had in mind, you asked me to just listen to it. So I did. It took more than two and a half hours, then you were dead tired.‘
Migration is an age-old phenomenon that has shaped and transformed the world. People have always been fleeing, driven by all kinds of motives. Today, the media strongly influences our image of refugees and, often negatively. The story of people leaving loved ones behind and braving oceans in search of a better life is complex. People flee for war, discrimination or economic malaise and the effects of climate change.
However, fleeing also takes place on a smaller scale, for different reasons, within different cultures, and even within families. What do all these refugees share? What hopes, dreams and desires drive them? What should we do to better understand the refugee? How can we show empathy for their experiences, even if they fall outside our frame of reference?
- Musical quotes used in the podcast: I’m your man (Leonard Cohen); Blue Flowers (Marjan Farsad Khooneye Ma); Take me to Church (Hozier); Leafdesbang (Nynke Laverman), music by Homayoun Shajarian and poetry by Hushang Ebtehaj.
Inserted picture © Hélène Min
U bent van harte uitgenodigd voor de feestelijke opening van de expositie OP DE VLUCHT op 1 september bij NDSM FUSE om 17:00 You are cordially invited to the grand opening of the exhibition OP DE VLUCHT (ON THE RUN) on September 1 at NDSM FUSE at 17:00 Tegelijkertijd zal de opening van de expositie van de NKvB, ZOMERSALON ’23, plaatsvinden – The opening of the NKvB’s exhibition, ZOMERSALON ’23, will take place at the same time |
Migratie is een eeuwenoud fenomeen dat de wereld heeft gevormd en getransformeerd. Mensen zijn altijd al op de vlucht geweest, gedreven door allerlei motieven. Vandaag de dag beïnvloeden de media ons beeld van vluchtelingen sterk en vaak negatief… lees meer Migration is an age-old phenomenon that has shaped and transformed the world. People have always been fleeing, driven by all kinds of motives. Today, the media strongly influences our image of refugees and, often negatively… read more |
Introductie Introduction –Jolanda LanslotsToespraken Speeches -Ellen Klijzing, Godelieve Smulders (NKvB)Zang en piano Vocals and piano –Julia Rosenhart Muziek Music –A Special Set by DJ duo V-Time, Dj Janno and Seaba |
Curator Ellen Klijzing |
Kunstenaars Artists Sietse H. Bakker, Wim Bakker, Simone Boon, Allard Boterenbrood, Ester Eva Damen, Rika Maja Duevel, Jim Dupan, Rienke Enghardt, Catarina Garcia, Ossa Kierkegaard, Esther Kin, Ellen Klijzing, Nanny Kok, Wim Komhoff, Kyra de Korte, Rucha Kulkarni, Neyde Lantyer, Valerie Van Leersum, DH Mack, Helena Kaori Maeda, Drager Meurtant, Hélène Min, Esmee Mlihi, Hanneke de Munck, Collectief Onder de Brug, Marcela Perrusquía, Sarah Payton, Ana Pinho, Benny van der Plank, Rinzo, Henk Schut, Jan Selen, Bart-Jan Steerenberg, Mieke de Waal |
SEE YOU SOON @ NDSM FUSENDSM FUSE _ NDSM-plein 29 _ 1033 WC Amsterdam _ OPEN _ do – zo | thu – sun _ 12.00 – 18.00 |