Who we are

Above: Photo by Rinzo Rinzo – Opening of a Window Show, spring 2022
What does the foundation do?
Stichting La Jetée (Foundation Jetty) supports cross-over projects. We submit applications to different funds, provide feedback and facilities, make connections. Read more. Each two to three months a different artist realizes a site-specific work in our Window_Show. In addition, the foundation organizes courses / residencies for artists in writing a text about their own work and in creative writing. Once a year, we organize a meal with female makers from different disciplines, we exchange ideas about new projects.
Our Foundation is part of Platform BK platforms of small artists’ initiatives in Amsterdam. The artistic direction is in the hands of Ester Eva Damen, filmmaker and visual artist. Currently Claudia Partac is our co-curator.
‘La Jetée’ is named after an experimental film by Chris Marker and was founded in 2005. ‘Jetée’ is equivalent to jetty: a view into another world. The foundation forms a connection with other makers, sharing knowledge and vision. It also makes it possible to show experimental work to a diverse audience in a small-scale and easily accessible way.
Our board consists of Nanou Kurstjens: chairwoman; Manon Borst: secretary; Vera Habes: treasurer.
Poster of the film ‘La Jetée’ by Chris Marker