Window_Archive: Marjolijn Rijks / Charlotte Neel Ritto

July 04, 2019 (opening 3pm) tot 27 augustus 2019 Window_Show showing Marjolijn Rijks in collaboration with Charlotte Neel Ritto.


“We need to develop an open vision, a simple way of seeing that is totally receptive, free of all tendencies to label and judge.” *

Charlotte and Marjolijn share a common interest in spiritual practices and in painting. Specifically for the windowshow_ they investigated the notion of open vision and transparency both in their joint creative process as in the form of the painting itself. They explored a space where commonality would emerge. A space where their ‘pictorial’ identities would be challenged and intertwined.

What you see is what you see, is what you see.

*Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches, Illuminating the Path: Ngondro Instructions According to the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism